Do we care enough about the earth to continue to shift to a new way of living? Is this the new ‘normal’? With a ban on non-essential travel and some countries having to undergo complete lockdown, we’re now able to witness what happens to the earth when we’re largely absent for the first time.

The full impact of the lockdown has become clear including 11,000 fewer deaths from air pollution and a drop in Co2 emissions showing the biggest carbon crash on record.

The impact on our natural environment has been astonishing. The waters of Venice have been clearing with satellite images showing a vast contrast between April 2019 to April 2020. With less boat traffic residents were able to share photos of fish, swans and seaweed in the canals. Other wildlife such as lions have been spotted lounging on roads normally frequented by safari-goers in South Africa and both bears and coyotes are wandering around empty accommodation in Yosemite National Park in California.

It is very apparent that the forced reduction in travel has proven we do not need to go to the office every day, spending wasted hours traveling on the dreaded daily commute. Working from home is possible for a lot of people who prior to lockdown wouldn’t have been given the option.

Our working day has changed significantly, juggling different responsibilities and in some cases being able to have a more flexible approach to how we work.

To help you do your bit towards our planet’s health while at home here are some great ideas to be more sustainable.

If you have any more tips and hints on how we can all contribute towards conservation and help we would love to hear them. Let’s share what we are doing and make this a legacy of our generation.

Wouldn’t it be fantastic if we continued to shift our attitude towards addressing environmental issues and carried on seeing an improvement to our planet? Imagine less air pollution, a restoration of nature and a reduction in traffic. We know we can do it.

I love this quote by Robert Swan:

‘The greatest threat to our planet is the belief someone else will save it’

We all have a part to play to ensure we protect our planet, we do not have another one.